Add your own Part Classes and Types and configure the information linked to each kind of component.
In the Materials Configuration view, you will be able to add and edit your part classes, part types, reason codes, and much more.
Navigate to the configuration view and choose Materials.

To add a part class, select the + next to Part Classes.
Enter the New Part Class name and click Save.
To add a part type, select the '+' next to Part Types.
Enter the New Part Type Name.
Select the corresponding Part Class and Part Type Group.
Define the Lead Time and Attrition Rate for this Part Type.
This data will provide automation when costing materials. Select the appropriate category and choose 'Save.'

If you like to see a particular order to your part type/class in your BOM, you can easily order both part class and type in configuration.
Click on Part Class on the left.
Choose the pencil icon to mass-edit your part class.
In the 'Order' column to the right, enter the integer to represent what order you would like to see each part class.
Part types can be ordered using the same instructions. Once you have ordered both Part Class and Part Type, navigate to the BOM tab of an RFQ.

Whether you are adding a single line item or importing a full BOM, you can click on the dropdown in the part class column to see the options.