Complete your Part Classifications automatically by setting description rules for your BOM
What is this?
This feature allows you to configure the rule to automatically apply the part class using the ‘Scrub My BOM’ feature and classify the MPNs based on description.
How can I use this?
First, you need to configure the rule and run the ‘Scrub My BOM’ feature for the uploaded BOM.
Steps to Configure the Rules
- Navigate to ‘Rules Based Part Classifications’ under Materials in Configuration.
- Click on ‘+’ to add new rule, and the system will pop up the screen below.
- Rule For: Currently Description is the only option available.
Keyword: Enter your desired keyword(s). The keyword(s) should be part of the uploaded BOM description.
Part Class: Set the desired Part Class(es).
- The keyword must be an exact match or partial match of your description.
Example: If the BOM description is ‘FIXED IND 2.7UH 5.1A 34 MOHM Surface Mount’ then setting the keyword as ‘Surface’ or ‘Surface Mount’ will give you the results of the configured part class. But setting the keyword as ‘Surface mount device’ or ‘Surfacemount’ (without space) or ‘SMD’ will not give the results of false results. - Multiple keywords in a single rule will match descriptions where BOTH keywords exist in any order.
Example: If the BOM description is ‘CAP CER 22PF 50V C0G/NPO 0402’, then setting the keywords as 'CAP 0402' or 'CER CAP', will give you the results of the configured part class. - Special characters can not be used in keyword (such as comma, semicolon, bracket etc.).
- Character limit is 1000 per keyword
Use Scrub My BOM
Once the rules are set up, navigate to the BOM tab and run the Scrub My BOM feature. Select ‘Use Rules Based’ to see the configured part classes.
Add new rule from the BOM tab:
If you need a new rule, you can create it from the BOM tab itself:
- In the BOM tab, navigate to the line item three vertical dots.
- Click the option "Map Description with Part Classes".
List of open APIs
Under the Hood
While running Scrub My BOM, the system will look for the configured keywords in the uploaded BOM descriptions and give you a list of part classes if it found the match.
Note: Lead Qty and Attrition rates will be pulled based on the company's default configurations.