Approving Alternates

Getting alternates approved by your customer and having clear records with our alternate approval portal

Kaitlyn Dotson avatar
Written by Kaitlyn Dotson
Updated over a week ago

You may need to get an alternate approved by your customer during the quoting process. With our alternate approval portal - you can quickly get alternates approved and customers can add notes or suggest alternates as well.

You can access this functionality from the bottom of the material costing screen if there are any cross matches or alternates to be found. As shown below you can select 'Alternates' (or 'Cross Matched Parts') and then you will have the ability to share a link or email to the alternates list.

The link will direct the customer to a screen like the one shown below, where they will have the ability to approve or reject cross-matches and alternates, as well as add notes or suggest alternates of their own.

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