Approving Alternate Parts
Krishna Patel avatar
Written by Krishna Patel
Updated over a week ago

While pricing the parts on the Material Costing tab, we utilized two types of alternate parts:

  1. Crossmatch Parts: These parts are pulled via selected API, while running update pricing. You can observe these alternate parts in the CQ Price Selector window.

2. Suggested Alternate Part: When no stock is found for the original MPN, you can suggest alternate parts. To learn how to add an alternate part, click here.

Note: You may need to have both alternate parts approved by your customer during the quoting process. With our alternate approval portal - you can quickly get alternates approved, and customers can add notes or suggest alternates as well.

Access this functionality from the bottom of the Material Costing screen if any cross matches or alternates are found. As shown below, you can select 'Pending Alternate Parts.' Then, you will have the ability to share a link or email to the alternates list.

The link will direct the customer to a screen like the one shown below, where they can approve or reject cross-matches and alternates and add notes or suggest alternates of their own.

How to Use the Alternate Approval Portal:

It is easy to differentiate between cross-match parts and suggested alternate parts.

1. Cross-match parts: If there is selected Mfgr and selected MPN, then these are the cross-match parts. Customer can suggest their alternative by clicking ‘+’ . After approving/rejecting, click the Save button.

2. Suggested Alternate Parts: If there isn’t selected Mfgr and selected MPN, then these are the suggested alternate parts. Customer can suggest their alternative by clicking ‘+’. After approving/rejecting, click the Save button. The customer can also attach the document.

QuoteCQ users can download the alternate part report from the Material Costing tab via below options.

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