Merge Columns
With the Smart BOM import, if the BOM has two or more columns for any fields, users can combine/merge these columns into a single column by assigning the same label during the mapping stage.
Mapping the BOM
Just map the columns to merge with the same tag. The system will then ask you if you'd like to merge the columns with the same mapping. Click on Yes.
Note: Merging can be done with space or in JSON format.
Merged with space

Merged as JSON

Separate Columns
When BOM has multiple values defined in a single column, then the user can separate such columns into two or more columns as per need.
Understand the separators
- Row separator: When multiple MPNs are merged with any separator and placed in a single cell, and we want to separate them into their own rows.
- Column separator: When Mfgr and MPN are merged with any separator and placed in a single cell, and we want to separate them into their own columns.
For example, in the below screenshot, '/' is a column separator, and we want to have MPN and Mfgr to be separated into their respective columns. and ',' is the row separator and we want to have each MPN be separated into its own rows.

How to separate Columns
- After uploading such BOMs, the system will try to automatically identify such columns and it will pop up the below screen.
If this pop-up doesn't show up, users can also manually map such columns by assigning the 'Combined Cell' option.
- Select the Row Separator and/or Column Separator as needed.
Note: Currently, "space, enter, comma( , ) , semicolon( ; ) , colon (:) , Dash( - ) , Underscore( _ ), Hash( # ), Pipe ( | ), slash ( \ ), back slash ( / ), 2 or more space, 3 or more space" are allowed to use for separator.