QuoteCQ's industry leading Material Costing functionality provides significant transparency and insight throughout the sourcing process.
One of the best ways to ensure you are making sound decisions is to review your Extended Costs, Assembly Costs, and Unit Costs after selections are made.
What are Extended Cost, Assembly Cost, Unit Cost and Order Cost
Extended Cost is the total price of a part given the number of boards to be assembled
Extended Cost = (Unit Cost x Qty/Board x Requested Qty) + Any Applicable Lead Qty and/or Attrition
Material Costing aggregates all Extended Costs into one total bar at the bottom of the view - this is the total cost for the requested quantity of assemblies
Assembly Cost is the total price of a part per board
Assembly Cost = Total Qty (which includes Attrition and Lead Qty) * Unit $ / Assembly Qty. This aggregates all Assembly Costs into one total bar at the bottom of the view - this is the total assembly cost per board.
Unit Cost is the price per one unit of a part
Material Costing does not aggregate Unit Costs into the total bar
Order Cost is price per unit times the requested Order QTY
The Order Cost = Excess QTY + [Assembly QTY(QTY/Board+Lead QTY + Attrition Rate)].
Once your material costing has been completed (or at least partially costed), you can easily review your pricing selections directly within the requested qty columns displayed below. By default, these columns will list the Extended Cost of your parts.
To switch between Extended Cost, Assembly Cost, Unit Cost and Order Cost, simply click on the v-shaped icon in the top-right of your desired column. Activating this icon will display a dropdown where you may select an alternative cost to view.