The CQ labor module is very flexible and can capture your company's unique labor model in a highly scalable and efficient process. Generally, the CalcuQuote support team will assist with the initial configuration. This help document will guide you through incremental improvements after implementation.
Start by navigating to the labor configuration screen where you'll be able to edit/add drivers, activities and more!

To add a Labor Driver, select the '+' next to Drivers in the menu to the left to create a new driver. You will be prompted to add:
Driver Name
Driver Description
Count Type: There are 3 options: Fixed (a suggested value that cannot be changed on the labor tab), Blank (the driver will be blank on the labor tab but can be updated manually), Recommended (a suggested value that can be changed on the labor tab and is suggested by a formula or configured value)
Count Sub-Type: If Fixed or Recommended was chosen, you will have two additional options for sub type: Static (user predetermined field, example is Assembly might have a static value of 1 for all quotes) or Formula (creating a formula based on part class so your BOM can pre populate the values).
If Static was chosen - then you'll be prompted to add a Driver Count or if Formula was chosen - then you'll be prompted to either select an existing Formula or to create a new one.

To edit a Labor Driver, click on the driver you would like to edit.
Edit the Driver Name and Description.
Choose the appropriate Count Type.
Check the Run Count option if the driver count should be applied to each run.
Ensure your driver is marked 'Active' and click Save.
To add a Labor Activity, click the + next to Labor Activity in menu on the left. A Create New Labor Activity popup will appear. You'll be asked to populate with:
Labor Activity Name
Time Count Type: (Fixed would not allow users to update the time on the labor tab. Static would allow a user to change the default time). Should the driver counts be fixed (users cannot modify the time per when quoting) or static (users can modify the time per when quoting)?
Time: How long does each action take (i.e. what is the time per SMT placement)?
Time Unit
Dollar Rate: What is the cost per hour to do this activity?
Learning Curve %
Activity Category: Is it a setup activity (i.e. kitting) or a variable activity (i.e. pick and place)? Setup would happen regardless of quantity while Variable happens every board.
Driver: How is the activity counted (i.e. per SMT component for pick and place)?
Work Centers.
To edit a Labor Activity, click on the name of the Labor Activity you wish to edit and a popup will appear to edit the existing Labor Activity.
To edit/add Labor Activities and Labor Activity Groups follow the same steps above.
To add a new Labor Formula to your instance of CalcuQuote, click the '+' next to Labor Formulas. Enter a Formula Name and identify the appropriate attributes of your formula. Labor Formulas are created from 4 different types of count: Part Class, Part Type, Part Type Groups, and Category. From there, you'll need to determine the correct Selector, Influencer, and Operator.

Labor Formulas help automate your labor process by connecting formulas to activity drivers. Add a new formula to your instance of CalcuQuote by clicking the '+' next to Labor Formulas.
Enter a Formula Name and identify the appropriate attributes of your formula.
Labor Formulas are created from 4 different types of count: Part Class, Part Type, Part Type Groups and Category. Example: If you are trying to create a formula for SMT Placements, choose Part Class so you can then select the Part Class for SMT. This will encompass all SMT Part Types.
From there, you'll need to determine the correct selector. This is where you would choose which part class, part type, or category based on the count decision.
Then, choose what should be influenced. Example: Back to SMT Placements, the Influencer here would be Parts. However, if I wanted to count how many SMT line items were on a job, it would be line items.
Then, choose the increment.
Now, Save and you're done!

Work Centers further categorize your labor activities. Enter the Work Center name as is pertains to your labor. Then, select the Activity Category and Time Unit.