The SUGGESTIONS stage suggests the alternate MPNs based on the description added via uploaded BOM. The Smart import widget has the ability to identify the risk of the MPN via INSIGHT stage. So on the suggestion stage, we can get alternate suggestions either for the missing MPNs and the MPN which has high risk or for all line items. It depends on the user's choice.
After Validating the BOM, when moving on suggestion stage the system will give the option to get the alternate suggestion for missing mpn or high risk mpns.

After clicking on 'Find Alternates', the system will suggest the alternate only for the missing mpn or high risk MPNs.

To get alternate suggestions for all lines, select all lines and click on 'Get Alternate Suggestions'.

Useful tips while working on SUGGESTION stage:

Click on '+' to add the suggested MPN to the particular line item.
Hover mouse on bubble, to know which MPNs are added to the line item.
by switching it on, the system will keep the original MPN to the particular line item.
The option in below drop down useful to Invert current page or clear all data.
Once the selections are finalized, the user can also get the Internal part number for the selected alternate MPN by clicking on 'Load InternalPN'.