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QuoteCQ | What does the "Suggested Alternates by ML" function do?

How to use the Suggested Alternates by ML option from the BOM tab

There are multiple ways in CalcuQuote to offer alternate MPNs to your customer and add to the BOM. One of the options is the Suggested Alternates by ML action in the BOM tab.

  1. Once your BOM is uploaded, select the lines you want to get suggestions for. You can also select all the lines in the BOM.

  2. From the top right corner, click on Actions > Suggested Alternates by ML

  3. CalcuQuote will prompt the suggestions per line. Review the options and select the MPNs you want to add to the BOM.

  4. Once you select them, click on the "Add" button in the bottom right corner.

  5. From the bottom left corner, use the "Previous" and "Next" buttons to navigate through the different lines with suggestions.

  6. Once you finish adding the Alternate MPNs, click on "Close".

  7. The added alternates will be marked as "Pending" in the "Alternate Status" column. Check THIS article to learn how to handle your Alternate MPNs.

*Note: this is part of the Machine Learning functionalities, which are included on the Enterprise tier or as an add-on. Please reach out to your Account Manager or to support@calcuquote.com for more information.