Plan your pricing strategy in steps by setting up and using CQ AutoSelect feature
Users can configure Auto Select Criteria for their team to use while pricing materials.
Go to Configuration > Materials > Auto Select Criteria.
To add a new Auto Select Criteria, click the + to begin.
You will be asked to populate a name and to pick a Category.
Note: using the Category Advanced Options will allow your team to view the filters and preferences added to the Auto Select Criteria.
Select your filters and preferences to build your Criteria.
In THIS article you will find information on how to use the filters and preferences
Price Sensitive and Time Sensitive pre-set buttons
The Price Sensitive and Time Sensitive Criteria Types refer are pre-set buttons or options that you will find in the AutoSelect functionality while costing materials.
When clicking on those buttons, you will run any criteria or criteria sequence that are labeled under Price Sensitive or Time Sensitive types.
Following the steps above, select one of the pre-set options: Price Sensitive or Time Sensitive, and assign it.
Build the criteria you want that button to perform in the first place. We recommend you use the most important and strict filters as a first step.
Set the "Order" field to 1 and click on Save.
Click again in the "+" icon to build a new criteria and repeat the process. This time, open up the filters a bit and set the Order to 2.
You can keep creating criteria until you make a whole sequence. All those criteria will run automatically in the order you set when you select the pre-set button in the AutoSelect function in Material Costing.