QuoteCQ's AutoSelect feature allows you to select pricing quickly and easily by filtering out undesired price results and giving preference to other results.
How to use the Auto Select feature
Navigate to the Materials Costing tab and click the AutoSelect Button.
A popup will appear to choose how you would like to use the AutoSelect.
Preset filters are available for Time Sensitive and Price Sensitive. These filters can be programmed via Configuration > Materials > Auto-select Criteria.
More information can be found in the article: Auto-select Preset Buttons
You can also set your own filters and preferences for this specific quote using Advanced Options.

How to use the Advanced Options
Under Advanced Options, users can add filters, which will exclude results that fall within the selected parameters and set preferences for which options to select.
You can add a filter by clicking the '+' icon, or delete a filter by clicking the trash icon. After you have selected one or more filters, add at least one preference.
The definitions of all the FILTER fields are as shown below:
Preferred Supplier: This will only look at suppliers that are marked with a preferred status under the supplier configuration setup.
Supplier Name: This will allow you to choose specific vendors to choose from
On-Hand Quantity: Filter for how much in-stock quantity the vendor has available.
Mfg Lead Time: Filter for a specific lead time of the part. A reminder that this is in calendar days (divide by 7 to get the weeks)
Min: Specify a minimum order quantity required
Price: Specify a specific price threshold for the individual part. If you uploaded target price information, you can use this filter to make selections based on the target price variance.
Source: Pull from a specific source. Source can be different from supplier. For example, if you have a data file setup, the source may be your own internal data file but the vendor could be Future, DigiKey, Mouser, etc.
MPN: Specify an exact match to your original MPN
Multiplier: Specify a multiplier required.
Packaging: Determine specify packaging you would want to require.
Excess Material Dollars: Set a threshold for how much excess you would allow per line item
Authorized Reseller: Filter for vendors that are or are not authorized resellers.
Time Stamp: Filter for results pulled within a certain time period.
Custom Reel Available: Specify if you want a custom reel or not.
Region: Determine the location you want to select results from.
RoHS: Specify if the part should be RoHS or not.
Cross Score: This refers to how different the original MPN is from the selected MPN. Here is an article to learn more.
Mfgr Cross Score: This refers to the difference between the original Manufacturer compared to the selected Manufacturer. Here is an article to learn more.
Part Class: If you classify your components on the original BOM, this would allow you to choose which parts to make selections on.
Part Type: If you classify your components on the original BOM, this would allow you to choose which parts to make selections on.
Purchase UOM: Specify a specific UOM (Unit of Measure) to purchase in.
BOM UOM: Specify a specific UOM (Unit of Measure) from the BOM to filter for.
- Historical Pricing: Filter for source is equal to historical pricing.
- Lifecycle Status: filter for the MPN lifecycle information provided by the supplier: active, EOL (End Of Life), Obsolete, etc.
- Obsolete: filter for the Obsolete response which can be: Yes, No or Unknown (not indicated).
A preference is the most important criteria as the system will choose the price with this preference out of the filtered results.
The definitions of all the PREFERENCES are as shown below:
Preferred Supplier: This sets a preference so that you will choose from only the preferred supplier in the hierarchy order.
Higher Quantity On Hand: This will choose a preference for the supplier with more on hand quantity.
Lower Mfg Lead Time: Choosing the vendor with the lowest manufacturer lead time available.
Lower Min: Choosing the vendor with the lowest minimum order quantity available.
Lower Unit Price: Choose the vendor with the lower unit price
Lower Total Price: Choose the vendor with the lower total overall price (this will take into consideration the minimum order quantities where it may be cheaper to buy more as it would be overall cheaper)
2nd Lower Total Price: Choose the vendor with the second lowest total price.
Suppliers with Sufficient Stock: Choose out of the vendors that have enough stock to match the need.
QuoteCQ allows you may have multiple preferences that prioritize from top to bottom.
Additional functionalities
You can run specific AutoSelect criteria on All Line Items, Unselected Cells, or Specific Quantity columns by clicking on the dropdown in the bottom left.

Users can also view the criteria that have been previously used from the "Recent Auto Select Prices" button.
If a criteria has been used on this quote, you will see the user who ran the criteria and the time it was completed. By clicking on one of the options, you can see the breakdown of the filters and preferences used.

You can also save your criteria to use in other RFQs
To save certain criteria, first, populate the screen with the filters and preferences that you would like to save.
Click the blue + icon in the top right. Give the saved criteria a name.
Click the blue checkmark icon in the top right and it will save this criteria in your dropdown.

If some APIs running slow, you can terminate those running APIs by clicking Autoselect. It pops up an API status window, where you can observe the live status of APIs. Click on Stop currently running APIs to continue with Auto Select.
Click on Yes, Continue with Auto Select, and Auto Select price pop-ups