While negotiating different prices with your vendors, you can update your target price as you find new and lower prices in each round
Once you make selections in the Material Costing tab, we can assume that the selected supplier's offer is the best you can get within the information available in QuoteCQ at that moment. But still, you want to try finding better options and you want to do a second round among your suppliers.
To not be repetitive and ask your suppliers for the same information, this time what you want to check is if they can provide a lower price than they provided before, setting the best price possible as a target.
The Best Price is subjectively defined. In some cases it might be the lowest unit price in the market, in other cases it will be the best lead time in the market. The Best Price is defined by the QuoteCQ user when using the AutoSelect Critera.
- Select the lines you want to re-negotiate by setting the best price as a target.
- Click on Edit > Set Target Price. This action will convert the selected supplier's unit price into the new target price.
- In case you already imported or populated a Target Pricing in your BOM, the system will overwrite that information, replacing the Target Price with the Selected Unit Price.
- After confirming by clicking on "Set", the Target Price information will be updated.
- From this point, you can continue sending your Bids as usual.