Line level markups give you more granular control over your pricing strategy and the costs shown to the customer.
After setting up your default line level markups, here's how to pull and manage line level markups on Summary tab:
Quoting Line Level Markups
When marking up materials, you have the option to quote either a BOM level markup (single percentage added to the BOM) or Line level markup. By choosing line level markups, CQ will calculate the percentage based on the configured values.
To choose between BOM and Line level markups, use the 3 vertical dots:
Adjust Line Level Markups
After choosing Line Level Markups, you can then adjust the markup percentage pulled for your leading cost drivers giving you more control over the pricing strategy.
To do this, click Actions > Line Level Markup:
Using the table, adjust the markups pulled from our leading cost drivers by click into the cell for Markup %

Once finished, click Confirm to recalculate your material markup based on the adjustments: