The Smart BOM Import allows users to upload their BOMs and let the system do the scrubbing for them. Not only does it save time, but it’ll help users with data validation all in one place.
On the BOM tab, select the Smart BOM option:

Step 1: Import your BOM
Find your document via your file finder or by dragging it into the window.

Step 2: Map Data
Once you add your BOM to the application, the next step is to map the columns accordingly. The Smart BOM import allows the ability to upload raw BOMs and does the scrubbing within the system. Some things to note about the Map Data Stage:
- Combine 2 or more columns into a single column
- Separate a single column into 2 or more columns
Note: Merging/separating can be done with spaces, characters, or in JSON format.
Step 3: BOM Health (Enterprise Tier)
Users can identify the health of the BOM using the supplier connections CQ has. The BOM Health section will be able to analyze the MPNs on the BOM giving users information regarding:
Stock Levels
Life Cycle
Lead Time

Fun Fact! You can filter by the status by clicking on the slice of pie you'd like to review! 🍰
Step 4: Validate
After checking the health of the BOM, users then will be able to validate the BOM. The system will help users if there are any missing or incorrect quantities, as well as help correct quantities if there are any differences between the quantity column and the designator column.
Use the yellow warning box to help resolve these inconsistencies:

If there are multiple to be fixed, the system will give an option to "Fix All" so users don't need to go 1 by 1 to make changes.
Note: Designators must be separated by a comma in order to be counted correctly by 1 (Ex: JP13, JP17, JP18, JP19 = 4)
If designators are separated by a dash ( - ), (Ex: J10-J15) then it counts as 6.
Bulk Update and Load IPNs
Users also have the option to Bulk Update and Load Internal Part Numbers with BOM Insights when on the Validate step of the BOM import. Check out the articles below to learn more!
Step 5: Suggested Alternates (Enterprise Tier)
Before finalizing the BOM upload, that last stage allows users to get suggested alternates based on the MPNs on the BOM. The Smart Import has the ability to suggest MPNs based on missing data or MPNs at high risk.
Review the status of your original MPN and the suggested Alternates below it:

Step 6: Submit!
You did it! After finding alternates, hit the submit button to get started on your quote:
Interested in adding BOM Health and Alternate Suggestion to help speed up the BOM Import process?
Reach out to