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  3. BOM (Bill of Materials)

QuoteCQ: What are the BOM CQ Properties

Find the CQ Properties definitions available in the BOM tab

When you start a new RFQ and you are importing the BOM, the Smart Import widget will allow you to map your BOM file to CQ Properties. Do you know all the properties available?

  • #* - Line Item. This is the numeric value assigned to the BOM line.
    • If the line item is not mapped from you BOM file, CQ will automatically assign it.
    • If mapped, the line item will display the value of the column you mapped.
    • The same line item might contain multiple MPNs or alternates.
  • Install. This is a check-box field to indicate whether the component must be placed in the final production or not.
  • Purchase. This is a check-box field to indicate whether the component needs to be purchased or will be supplier by the customer.
  • Qty Per*. This field indicates how many components per assembly are required.
  • Despription. Field to contain details and specifications to identify the kind of component the line is referring to.
  • Part Class. This indicates the component category. It displays the categories as you define them. It can be indicated manually, populated by configured rules or populated from your Data Source.
  • MPN. The Manufacturer Part Number.
  • Internal PN. The Internal Part Number. 
  • Customer PN. The Customer Part Number.
  • Supplier PN. The Supplier's Part Number.
  • Part UOM. This is the Unit of Measure indicated in your BOM, and the unit of measure you are using to calculate the quantity you need of that component.
  • Lead Qty. This is the number of extra peaces you need to request. It can be setup per Part Class.
  • Attr Rate %. This is the percentage of the requested volume of components you need to ask for additional, usually to cover the amount of components that might get lost during production. It can be setup per Part Class.
  • Preferred Supplier. This refers to the supplier who is currently providing you the component. It can be populated from your Data Source.
  • Target Price. This is the unit price you want to set as a target in order to find better pricing. It can be populated from your Data Source and reflect the price you last paid for the component.
  • Designator. It identifies the component within an electrical schematic or on a printed circuit board (PCB).
  • Part # Notes. Open field to enter comments at the line item level.
  • No. Of Leads. It indicates the number of lengths of wire extending from the pole of an electrical component.
  • Min Purchase Qty: The Minimum Purchase Quantity indicates the minimum number of components per assembly you'd like to buy, given the Qty Per.
  • Site. When quoting for multiple locations or factories, the site column will allow you to indicate the specific origin of the request.
  • Rev. The revision number.
  • Customer. It refers to the end customer.
  • Custom. To be mapped to a column that doesn't match with any other CQ property. It holds the column header as it is in the BOM file and allow to import the data.